Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2nd News Article Discussion Task

    My second disucussion of the news was about A Company plans to turn NYC's trash cans in to WiFi hotspots. This article was from Engaget site. A company name Bigbell wants to add connectivity to its smart trash cans. Hotspot trash cans will have speed 50 to 75 megabits per second and providing free internet. Yet, they still need money to continue and trying to get government's support. This company had already made Solar-powered trash cans and willing to make more new technology.  I think it will be a very great idea for people in public to be able to connect wifi for free with out going in to a cafe or restuarant. They could just walk along the street using free WiFi. 

  Simon presented an article about Raheem- sterling Manchester City sign $76 millon Liverpool Star. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Homosexuality is Natural

    I wrote an artical on how Homosexuality is Natural and gave to my friends to analyze for bias.
     They told me that I was too bias and wrong in many several ways: 
   1. Bias by Omission: When writing this artical I tend to omitted how homosexual are not normal, they are against nature , they can't reproduce which does not benefit the population growth. They are against biology and evolution. 

2. Bias by story selection: I discribe how Being gay is not by choice they were born this way. We can't control who we develop feeling for So, that Gay people can't help but be gay. Which in the reality homosexuals are not born homosexual as studies of identical twins confirm this fact. Homosexual has little to do with genetics. 
3. Bias by spin: I wrote with a possitive perspective about Gay people. I discribe how they are normal, saying that they have to go through all the ridicule so that people will feel for them and accept them as who they are.