Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Implicit Association test plus the Political Compass test.

  The implicit association test was about helping us to know what bias we have while the political compass test help us to know where we stand politically and sort of political company we keep. 

  The implicit Association test is a computer- based measure which users rapidly categorize two targets concepts with an attribute. 
   The political compass test offers six pages of questions which each statemate we have to rate from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.

   I take the race (Black-White) and the Sexuality test. My results for the race test suggested that I have preference for African origin over European. The sexuality test told me that I have little to no automatic preference between straight people to Gay people. 
    In the Political Compass test, I received results that placed me kind of in the middle but sightly to the Left- Libertarain. 

   The result was quite true for me. I've seen people have bias against black people which I feel very bad about it. There are movies shown about how horrible black people have been treated in society. From watching one movie 'The help' it's about a two black maids struggle about racism as they work for white families. After watching this movie I feel for them and I've never had any bias against them. Also for gay people I think they are not thing different from straight people. Love is not always between man and woman, so it can be in multiple ways it's fine for me as long as they love eachother.

   If I take an ideological perspective on my implicit bias, then I am a very liberalized and left wing, which my political compass test, I am a libertarian as well. I have a direct action view of social change. 
      The two test that I took kind of connected in some way. I tend to be in the middle and don't judge anything right away and I'm not interested in politics. 

If you are interested in taking these test, the link is down below

For those who still have bias against black people this movie might help you

Monday, June 15, 2015

1st News Article Discussion Task

  My first discussion about the news is about Elderly woman lost in the desert for 2 weeks survives on rainwater and orangers. This artical was from my flipboard. It was about A couple missing for 2 weeks in a remote part of San Diego Country. They were planning on going to their son's home but suddenly her husband was a serious condition so they have to find a short cut to reace to the hospital as soon as possible but then they were lost. Sadly her husband was dead and she was severely dyhydrated. The reporter said that it's close to a miracle that she survived. 

Ton presented an article about Trees which can communicate to each other and help other trees to protect themsevles when they're attack. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Do people really have to know about Cognitive Bias?

Last few weeks Troy had given us this artical about "The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational" if you want to know more about it the link is here

As a group we get  to come up with a conclusion about the three bias which each group has all three different bias. My group got the Status-Quo Bias, Negativity Bias and the Bandwagon effect. I personally interested about the Negativity Bias because this bias people these days tend to not know that they are this kind of person compare to the two bias Status-Quo Bias and the Bandwagon effect we all know about it. So, that's why I chose the Negativity Bias.

    The Negativity Bias is about the person who gives more value to negativity. People tend to focus more on negativie things/news rather than positive ones. We perceive negative news as being more important or profound. The negative out weights the positive. As we can see our world is a better place to stay than the pass but people always argue that things are getting worse because they pay more attention to all the bad things, finding ways to solve issues rather than to see how comfortable people can be now. 

  The people who has this Negativity bias seems to be my parents I suppose. My parents always see the world as a bad place people outside are cruel and dangerous. They are too paranoid when I'm out of their sight which could make me feel very annoyed. I have a plan on participating in an exchange program in Thailand. I thought my parents would be proud and happy for me instead they are too paranoid and think I may get lost or I will be abducted or something. Maybe things is not as bad as we see it's okay to becareful but we also have to be optimistic too. 

     In summary, we all have bias about things in our life. Some we know about it some we don't so, sometimes people can be irrational and end up in a bad way. I think Cognitive Bias is a very important thing for all of us to know about it espcially my parents which they still don't listen to me. Anyway I think it's good to know about it and it could help us to be more reasonable in every choice we make.